Friday, May 14, 2010

:: Alhamdulilahirobilalamin. ::

I almost got hit by a bus when I was on the way home in the morning. The stupid bus just sped through the red light even thou it was already right turn arrow give away sign for me. Luckily I throttle hard enough to escape like 1 metre of potential collision. And for that short moment, I could feel that my heart was pumping huge amount of blood into my brain that almost made me passed out.So I stopped by the nearest bustop and lit a cigarette to calm myself down. I could feel my body shaking and trembling but I told myself that thank god it was such a narrow escape. Then immediately call up my mum and told her about what happened. She told me to go home and sujud syukur when I get home immediately.

Its just so nice to be still alive but all I can say that the bus driver was an absolute eff you see kay ee are. But alhamdulilah la, I think god wants me to live for today. So I shall go early for friday prayer today and hopefully can help out with laying the prayer mat. -_-

But this wasnt my first time escaping RTA (road traffic accident). But I can say that this was the worst one I could think of. Imagine if my bike stall for no reason and the bus just sweep me off like a huge fist punching your whole body with a speed of 80km/h. *_* My relatives and friends would have gotten free lunch of bread dip with curry ayam today.

Dear Allah. Thank You for giving me another chance to live for another day.

11:05 AM

Muhammad Firdaus

The day is Done