Today I receive the best ever compliment from a ibu, "asal badan macam bruce lee?" MF, "serious? -_-!"
Finally, the dragon is in me -_-....action eh...hahah..but 2.4 still fail? tahik man....
Tmr puasa already man...
Things/places to avoid during puasa:
1) Friends (those who dont like to puasa)
2) Watching movies with casts smoking. (tempted to smoke, especially mafia and war movies where they smoke like nobody business)
3) Kitchen (Wake up and open fridge is a daily routine habit)
4) Kedaikopi (unless buy food for buka)
5) Going out in the afternoon during hot weather and terserempak kedai selling cold drinks -_-!
6) Water Cooler dispenser (Used to be best friend during school days, now that im not schooling so its no longer my friend?)
7) Mr. Marzuki a.k.a Mike a.k.a Bapak aku.. (he will randomly ajak makan BK during puasa and then makan roti dalam kereta..alasan, datang haid? what a bapak...)
Thats about it...And puasa days schedule will be:
1) Sleep after sahur.
2) Wake up 1 hour before buka.
3) "Smayang" (-_- geli..) terawih
4) Hang out late night or probably working.
5) Repeat (1)
6) If wake up in the afternoon, play the Sims 3 (good game to waste 4 hours)
Hope I can keep up with it until enlistment date for NS. So for now, have a happy and holy fasting month for me....
This is the Joint Family, Dope Joint married to Zelda Joint at the age where women gets menopause -_-!
That old chap is Dope Joint
That witch lookin woman is Zelda Joint.
They both left 98 Days to live =)