A Blue print of my future 1-room flat house.

This is what it will be like if im not married...even if im married, it will still be like this, only more stuffs will be put into...wife stuffs..And if my mum not moving to her Johor house, she can stay with me...but confirm she will adjust stuffs. -_-!
Living Room: Ill like to make it simple with less decorations and more necessary stuffs...but some say lava lamp tak penting, but to me it is mann...never know when lava lamp can come in handy and entertain your whole trip thru, TV penting only if National Geographic or Discovery Channel have cool shows =) And yes Fans...Minumum 3 fans, cos it might be super hot during the middle of the year....Lava Lamp and Fans. And something comfortable for me to sit on to...So a 2nd hand couch will do or if ada kelebihan beli murah2 di Ikea. Cupboard is not that necessary...but confirm my mum will get me a cupboard to put Qurans and other stuffs...I can put clothes in there too, if let say sleep on couch then bangun lambat for work, can just grab clothes there. And yes of course a dining table...just like in the restaurant...when the chef cooks, from the kitchen then transfer for the waiter to take the food on that table....so yeaps, that kind of table will do...so if anyone cooks can serve immediately?Kitchen:Quite simple too, just like inside the restaurant...the table has a partition between living room and kitchen...so if want to watch tv can watch while eating inside the kitchen...The cupboard there is for unnecessary perhiasan cos Ive this feeling my ibu will give dining stuffs/kitchenware for Hari Raya and special occassion purposes. But if its not a special occassion, can use Ikea's. Refrigerator can use 2nd hand one...as long can make ice and put in fruits and vegetables dah cukp bagus mann....Stove and Oven should come together with the house...so no problem with that...Bathroom: Just a toilet bowl (no squatting bowl!) and a shower (no water heater!) will do. Should come with the house too. And Washing machine is a must...cos its easy to wash clothes using washing machine...Can get mitsubishi one...at $300 kat courts...so like 1 mth's pay can buy. Bedroom:Bedroom is where I might spend the whole time inside. So of course I need a place to sleep...Mattress at pasar malam will do, but if dah kawin atleast need a bed mann...~ if not my wife can sleep on the couch or let my wife sleep on mattress and I sleep on carpetted area shown. And if my ibu wants to stay with me, she can sleep on the mattress and ill sleep on the couch. =) And if theres a bed, a small table with a night lamp should complete it. Then can feeling2 mat salleh, after reading a book can swith off the night lamp. Yes...computer table and a computer is a must have...Games! Important...! And Of course I need a cupboard to put my clothes and sejadah and the cupboard like damn unique...one door inside can just pull out ironing board. So yeah...lastly, an area where I can jam...if go jamming studio waste money uh...might as well just jam at home. But if let say ill get married and have children...my son or daughter can sleep with my wife and ill sleep on the carpetted area...or if not computer table can put outside. Then get a super Jumbo King Size bed so the three of us can sleep together...but cannot do anything with wife if kids around..... hahahhaha.Thats about it...simple is just right for me, scared if too many stuffs then the house will be in a mess mann... ~ Well, hopefully ill get a stable job soon with good pay...then can afford this dream house....