Today is Sunday and I am currently at Boat Quay Expressmart working -_-. Bagus eh aku, weekend no plans then got slot kerja immd. ambil? hahaha loser sia.. and during the day, boat quay is often visited by tourist mostly mat salleh...then they always drop by Expressmart to get plain water. Usually they will get those expensive Evian water, padahal evian tak taste like sweat *_*. And I dont know why most of the female mat salleh who comes to Singapore dont like to wear bra...I think dorang like to show offs uh they got big gelebeh(?!) boobs and kalau boleh they want to walk on these street without wearing any top on...*sigh* dunia nak kiamat mannn....
as for now anggapkan sebagai
Expmart Tweet #1: From 12pm till 6.30pm only 14 customers entered. *_*