Friday, May 21, 2010

:: Next month is probably June ::

Understanding ourselves is not as simple as it may seem. Most of us dont understand why sometimes when we had done something good or thoughtfu,l things doesnt just come back the way we expected. Of course it might sound ungrateful and life seems unfair. But we have to learn that whatever comes into our life is to be greatly appreciated. Even if you dont deserve to be treated that way. Have lots of patience together with a positive attitude....So whatever it is Just throw the cloudy water and bring in the clean one -__-. You get the bad things, good things might come to you.......if you do good eventually, Karma does exist if you believe in it.

Live yourself to the fullest every each single day. You never know when shit will happen to you. And when it happens, its just too bad that it already happened.. just think of a better day to go and get a solution to remove the shit that had been stuck on you. And when shit happens to you and theres nothing you can do, it means that youre probably already dead.

As they says, whatever things happened yesterday and days ago were the past, and whatever things you might not know in days to come will be the future. And whatever happens now is the present. Thats why today is a gift. Take it..unwrap it and live with it.

If i sounded like macam faham (like understand only). Please shit on me...thank you.

4:11 AM

Muhammad Firdaus

The day is Done