Its the tongue of a mountain goat!

The morning of Aidil-Adha, I made my way to Darul Salam Mosque down at Clementi...The reason why I went that far was because i volunteered myself for some Jamiyah Association thing. So the rest of Jemaah was there too, to attend the Aidil Adha Prayer. Im not sure how the story goes about Aidil Adha, I only know just a brief of it. but ill try my best to explain why We Moslems celebrate/commemorate this Special Day.
Darul Salam Mosque 7:30AM
Well, we commemorate this day is because of Prophet Ibrahim Willingness.
During that time, Allah told Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his Son Ismail (which i forgot why) but Prophet Ibrahim was like, he got not heart to do that to his own Son. Instead Ismail told his father to go ahead because Allah instructed him to do so. He then put his guts to sacrifice his son uh..but then by the time Allah had replaced Ismail for a Duma (an Arabic sheep or something like that uh). Allah did so because, Ibrahim being a Prophet...he had to obey whatever God instructed to do so. And im not sure what the story goes on...I forgot la! All I know is that we Muslim just followed what we are told to do so by slaugthering these Furry Creatures!
The Kambing Biri-Biri (SHEEP) Kambing ermm gunung? (MOUNTAIN GOATS)

So heres the view of the Rodeo Arena, where the Rodeos
(person that grabs and catches these creatures)
So yeah the sheeps and goats are like waiting to die by now.
Heres a view of the slaughter area =)

And Heres the No.1 Rodeo of 2006 Goregrind Fest
So the Rodeo began..The sheep was like mad fuck..scared to die, but in the end all died =) But they die for a good cause..remember that! We dont anyhow kill animals for fun, their meat will be donated to the poor and budget ass people like me hehe.
And then the Rodeos place the sheep/goat over on the place where they wait for an Imam to slaughter by cutting thru the windpipe of the creature.

So the Imam came and uttered some prayers and he cuts the throat with a sharp knife

Remember, during the slaughtering process, the one who slaughters have to cut the vein plus the windpipe just oneshot..like slicing it one time. If not the Animal will suffer!! By cutting it one shot will just kill the animal instantly without suffering.

The blood then have to be remove out from its body or else it will create one whole bloody mess around the area before beheading the whole head off from its body.
Remember, we are not allowed to behead it off on the spot because the sheep was still breathing. Only behead fully dead sheep =)

Hahah I caught this Black Goat!
Remember the tongue? hehe
See what I meant by a Bloody mess if you dont drained out the blood before beheading!
Well heres the beheading part, where we left these creature to run out of breath and then
we chopped the fckin head off! hahahah!

Heres the Rodeo Boys im With Wali, Cik Jasman and Ruzaki.
After Beheading, the bodies were sent to the Butcher!

So we the Rodeo dumped the Bodies and let the Butchers do the Job. Too tired la to help around Butchering, although I was once a Butcher =P
A butcher at work.
Well here you go =)

But well, I got something on my arm anyways after a long day of work...hahah a sharp blade just
cut thru my skin without me noticing...gotta be careful next time.
Well I was damn tired la the whole day and was quite smelly. and i gotta go sleep now, gotta go
work later at 11pm. so well, till next event and i will post more stuffs here alright.
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