Picture Copyrighted DOPEDear God, Allah SWT.
Thank you for bringing my life a little longer and made me into a better person right now, what past is already the past and it shall not return the way it was.
I am happy, being one year older but..somehow, someway or another...I dont see a point of going much older...
A year older means more wiser but as wise as I can go, somehow..the more I live the more sins ill get and the more sins the world will be doing.
How I wish the world will stop doing every bad stuffs it goes into right now...
Of course no one can stop the world into a sour state. It will just turn into and end soon...Only you know when and how you want it to be.
You are the almighty, (Allahuakhbar) I want you to forgive my sins, and my Ibu's and make me into much better person as what I am tonight..Forgive for every little thing, even a sin from the size of a rice grain.
And I hope you bless Ibu's life and my entire family life too...upon hearing Ibu's termination from work, I hope you will give her more rezeki than what she got now and make me a good and responsible son for Ibu...Amin, Alhamdulilahiraugbilalamin. Thank you for being the World greatest mother to have me for almost 19 years you suffered and enjoyed having me as your one and only son.
I love you Ibu!
And to Dearest Sisters, thank you for being there with me and watch every of my entertainment at home..May you guys be one good siblings in the whole wide world! I love you!
And to my Baba, I hope you change and think about what you had done to us...you are always welcome back to attach this broken family into one happy family as we were before.
Dear Allah SWT..Please Bless my prayers on my 19th Birthday. Amin~