So its been quite sometime i last post, im gonna post something different and its about my current part time job...It might sounds boring ...but somehow, i enjoy workin
Heres the place where I work...SALVA's EXPRESSMART. 60 BOAT QUAY. If you guys wanna beat me up here you can find me anytime here during the night hours!

So let me tell you what im working as. Dont you fuckin laugh ur ass if you hear this.

Hahahah im a cashier down at this Expressmart. Attend to stupid customers and nice customers and weird customers...sometimes at night paranormal customers will visit shop =)
And Heres the small freakin space I always sit around when got nothing to do when theres no costumer.
Its freakin cramp I tell you..sometimes when I got Amin, and Fakh over, the 3 of us will sit behind the counter and chill.

And heres the Cashier in action. Behind that cramped counter!
And This is the only machine that runs the shop!

And heres ton of Cigies you can find it the shop! Dont every try to think about stealing em. Theres a metal rod for staffs to whack any customers trying to be funny inside the shop.
Ouh yeah we do sell liqours too.. but too bad im not selling it after 12 midnight! Fuck you drunkards! hahahah
Well guess whats inside this redbox?

Its cuban Cigars! and it doesnt come in cheap. the cheapest cuban cigs is around $16 and some can go beyond $60. And they smell like shit!

Well, theres nothing much actually in EXPRESSMART. You only can get tidbits, candies, drinks cigerattes, beers other accesories and for those pub goers and clubbers who just got a chick and cant wait to have sex, please take note that EXPRESSMART sells condoms for your own safety.
And heres my favourite part of the shop!

Candies, gummies I can kachip! haha!
And heres the least place I would like to go inside the shop but I have no choice but to go in everytime to do stocks. And theres the toilet, its disgusting but who cares, I always have my shower here before heading to school the next morning!

Ok, enough abt the inside of the shop..Now im going show you the outside of the shop and how BOAT QUAY looks like during graveyard hours!
Heres how it looks like outside, I took these around 4 in the morning and you see all the shops and pubs around are close except for EXPRESSMART. The survivor of the Night, and yeah sometimes if youre lucky, you can find drunkards sleeping outside the street of boatquay. And what you can do, check for their wallets and keep them safe with you =P

And here are some of the views I took outside. Theres not even a single soul walkin by here during at this hour..except for a different soul if you wanna ask me about. :P

So I guess, I should stay loyal to the Salva's Family, since this is owned by a fierce lookin indian mafia name Salva and passed down to his daughter Sharifah who controls over the Salva shop at Esplanade and Boat Quay was passed down to Sharifah's Husband, Ibraheem which is currently my boss. A hardcore Indian Muslim Boss! Who always talks about syaitan-syaitan around BOAT QUAY!

And After a 6 hours of working under Mafia Organization, You get to meet your pay.

A Fine Cuban Cigars, Hundreds of Dollars and a Harmonica..LOL!
But Do not mess around inside the shop! Theres Camera's around record every movement and activites around the shop.

Mess with us, and we make your hair messy!
So yeaps, closing is quite simple, count the cash, lock the drinks, switch off the computers, lights do last stockings and yeah most importantly, clean up the store!
So yeah, lock the drinks and place everything right.
And lastly, the main thing before leaving, close the shutter!

You never know thieves and Homeless bastards will just come in and pay the shop a visit! And all you got to know the next morning is that you've been fired by the Salva and got you thumb cut off with a cigar cutter!
And lastly, turn around the sign closed, so people knows its close! lol!

After long hours of working Graveyard Shift, sometimes I head myself down to school after that

And this is how my vision is after work, all you do is just say some prayers after leaving work and insyallah you will find urself sleeping down at the alleyway! lol!