Hello everyone..I was damn bored so I decided to plan out how my future single-hood life room will be.
Let say I rented/bought a room for myself and this is how its going be like..no fancy corners just simple square end room. (Except for the ceiling fan on top -_-)

Firstly ill get myself a bed or a mattress. Important thing is to sleep comfortably at night so wake up there wont be any aches and cramps. And why I chose platform bed is because its easier to roll off from your bed to the toilet at night if Im lazy to wake up and walk -_-.

And a small coffee table/computer table for everyday online and gaming purposes and for eating meals in room purposes too.
(cushions doesnt go with it)

And for storage for example putting my clothes and stuffs like that, I would like to get a chest as a replacement for a cupboard. I dont fancy cupboards and with a chest, I can just stuff things in and then take it all out back and stuff everything back in again. Its convenient I guess and save lots of space.

I think music should be express out loud for everyone...so If ada kelebihan then ill get myself a guitar and amplifier set, maybe if theres space a drumset too so my friends and I will not be wasting our money paying for jamming studios.

And to make the room seems more lively-er, I ve to put some decorative items. Posters could be random, will be either any band posters or self-potrait of myself in tiger fur showing muscles *_*. And Baby poster is a must. Babies are cute and its for giving motivations to get married and start a family..if not then just adopt a kid from Haiti. And Ayat suci al-quran have to be hang up on every muslim person houses. (typical.) And last but not least, a rug to wipe my feet with or if lazy want to go to bed can just lie down on the rug. I got this cool hitler's rug on the net. Hope they sell it in Ikea...

And For lighting, I prefer hanging lights, so these are two cool "toyol-like creature being hanged" room lights. And Lava Lamp brings the mood around at night, when ure chilling with good music, food and medication (y) hahaha and it is obviously a must *_* its either a huge ass lava lamp like in the picture or small ones to put in every corner.
And so basically this how I want my room to be like, simple and plain except those lava lamps and ceiling fan -_-. So wish me all the best for my future if I dont get to be a successful person, atleast I'll try to look after my ownself and be responsible for my own future.
Untill next time.