Hum to the song to decode it.
Once I was riding to work, and as usual i was day dreaming about how things work. and i figured out that every little thing that moves even by a few millicentremetres requires calculation. And all calculation requires is a calculation by itself. So its like a mass chain C and C collided each other to form another C and all Cs move to form another C in another place.
For example of calculating distance:
Brain to human Body + Calculation to human body = Human's hand = Hand (picking up an apple on a table) = apple moves towards the length from table to human's mouth. And the brain signals back calculating how much of the apple the jaw can chomp on.
So we can calculate the exact calculation of the distance the apple travel from the table to the human mouth. and also the theory of how all these works.
To Sum everything up:
[Do you think im ready to retake my Mathematics O'level?]