Its been quite sometime since i last post any entry here. sorry cos im too busy with work -_- (?). So finally I had found the most precious thing called time after days of battling over scorching hot weather and freezing days. And here I am, posting the first entry for 2011.
First im going start off with the 5th of January 2011. A trip to JBP with Hidayu. Yay -_-. Hot weather to start off with, but its all good. I thought bird park would be adventurous for us. Atleast adventurous enough with the smell of bird shit *_*. And yes its better than DinoWorld diam ar Hidayu. I know youre laughing at me!
First up we went to the Penguin area, so many penguins sleeping. I think 80% of them are statues, and make us believes that they are sleeping. And those genuine penguins are seen swiming around (refer to pic below)
And then there were storks which someone thought it was pelicans -_-
Ouh, before going further, let me introduce you to these two explorers from Nepal. On the left we have the beautiful Narhigayu and her partner on the right is Genghis Faudas
Ahh! These are what we called, PELICANS!

So there are 8 types of Pelicans, on 7 were in JBP, the other one not to be found and one macam faham explorer trying to look for the other.And Jerusalem bag was also the main attraction in JBP. -_-
As they enter the " tropical rainforest" with 10 storey man made waterfall and dirty water plus super hot weather and someone had to use umbrella to protect herself from the sun.
lawar? lawar! LAWAR!
And then Narhigaya discovered that ugly duckling himself turned into black swan who had diarrhea.
"The worms here aint fresh, luckily bird can shit anywhere they want."
1. I heard something! 2. What could that be??
3. Arghhh! what the 4. hell is that thing?

And then the fellow descendant of Genghis Khan discovered a rare bird fossil. Which was then properly preserved and conserved. (??)
Burung Gajah -_-
If were in the 18th century, Hidayu would have collected these instead of fancy stationaries.
Even every fierce mongolian warriors had their weaknesses revealed -_-. But important thing is to maintain while having photos taken. (the trick is to sweat your fear away)
Unfortunately, At the end of the day both explorers were captured by the local animal keepers and were happy (Narhigaya smiling willingly) that they were to be sent off back to Kathmandu. The End.
Morale of the story is, always bring an umbrella for your girlfriend.
Dear Narhigaya, even thou you made me angry for abit when you deleted some of the photos, I wanted to tell you that, the day wouldnt be fun without you around. YTB!
And whats this picture doing here?! -_-